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Friday The 13th (2009)

Bem-vindos a Crystal Lake, numa arrepiante versão do clássico filme de horror "Sexta-feira 13." Ao procurar sua irmã desaparecida, Clay Miller (Jared Padalecki) vai para as misteriosas florestas da lendária Crystal Lake, onde ele encontra os restos apodrecidos das velhas cabanas, atrás de árvores cobertas de musgo. E isso não é a única coisa à espreita... Contra os avisos da polícia e dos moradores, Clay segue as poucas pistas que tem de sua irmã Whitney (Amanda Righetti), com a ajuda de Jenna (Danielle Panabaker), uma jovem que ele conhece em um grupo de universitários que estão prontos para um fim de semana de aventuras. Mas eles vão descobrir muito mais do que imaginavam. Mal sabem eles que entraram nos domínios de um dos mais aterrorizantes espectros da história do cinema americano - o infame assassino que assombra Crystal Lake, armado com um afiado facão... Jason Voorhees.

Título no Brasil Sexta-Feira 13
Título Original Friday the 13th
Ano de Lançamento 2009
Gênero Terror
País de Origem EUA
Duração 97 minutos
Direção Marcus Nispel
Estreia no Brasil 13/02/2009
Estúdio/Distrib. Paramount Pictures do Brasil
Idade Indicativa 18 anos

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Friday the 13th Extended Edition

Jared Padalecki, Danielle Panabaker and Aaron Yoo headline director Marcus Nispel's chilling remake  of the classic 1980s slasher-thriller that spawned a legendary horror franchise. Ignoring the warnings of the locals, a group of teenage camp counselors takes on the job of reopening Camp Crystal Lake -- on Friday the 13th no less, and raise the ire of Jason Voorhees (Derek Mears), a masked, homicidal maniac. 

Starring: Jared Padalecki, Danielle Panabaker

Director: Marcus Nispel

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Water - Às Margens do Rio Sagrado

Considerado um dos filmes mais bonitos dos últimos anos, Rio de Lua se passa na Índia nos anos 30. Aos oito anos de idade. Chuyia não é apenas casada, mas também já é viúva. E nunca conheceu o marido. De acordo com a tradição, ela é enviada para uma casa onde as viúvas são obrigadas a ficar, isoladas da sociedade, até o final de suas vidas, sem que possam alguma vez voltar a casar. Lá, conhece Kalyani, uma bela e jovem mulher de quem se torna amiga. Kalyani ousa desafiar as rígidas regras apaixonando-se por um jovem com estudos.

Título Water (Original)
Ano produção 2005
Dirigido por Deepa Mehta
2005 ( Mundial ) 
Outras datas 
Duração 114 minutos
Classificação 12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos
Drama Romance
Países de Origem

Total:  297
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Uma História de Amor e Fúria

Um homem (Selton Mello) com quase 600 anos de idade acompanha a história do Brasil, enquanto procura a ressurreição de sua amada Janaína (Camila Pitanga). Ele enfrenta as batalhas entre tupinambás e tupiniquins, antes dos portugueses chegarem ao país, e passa pela Balaiada e o movimento de resistência contra a ditadura militar, antes de enfrentar a guerra pela água em 2096.

Dirigido por Luiz Bolognesi
Com Selton Mello, Camila Pitanga, Rodrigo Santoro mais
Gênero Animação , Drama
Nacionalidade Brasil

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The Last Song

Baseado no último livro do escritor best-seller Nicholas Sparks (Um Amor para Recordar, Diário de uma Paixão), A ÚLTIMA MÚSICA é ambientado em uma pequena cidade praiana do sul, onde um pai afastado (GREG KINNEAR) tem a chance de passar o verão com sua relutante filha adolescente (MILEY CYRUS), que preferia estar em casa, em Nova York. Ele tenta se reaproximar dela através da única coisa que eles têm em comum - a música - em uma história sobre família, amizade, segredos e salvação, e também sobre primeiros amores e segundas chances.

Elenco: Miley Cyrus, Greg Kinnear, Bobby Coleman, Liam Hemsworth, Hallock Beals, Kelly Preston, Stephanie Leigh Schlund, Nick Searcy, Kate Vernon, Melissa Ordway, Adam Barnett.

Direção: Julie Anne Robinson
Gênero: Romance
Duração: 108 min.
Distribuidora: Disney

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Bem-vindo à Vida

Após a morte do pai, Sam (Chris Pine) recebe a incumbência de entregar parte da herança para Frankie (Elizabeth Banks), uma irmã que ele não conhecia. Ao procurar iniciar um contato com ela, sem revelar o parentesco, Sam acaba mudando toda sua vida, incluindo as relações com a mãe (Michelle Pfeiffer) e com a namorada (Olivia Wilde).


An incestuous love affair. Meme and Jeremias are the younger children in a typical bourgeois family. Their mother Lucia is the dominant force in the household, but her fixation on upholding the niceties of upper middle class life has prevented her from seeing what is going on under her roof. When the siblings' older brother and his fiancee arrive home for their wedding, it seems inevitable that the concealment will be impossible to sustain. But equally it becomes apparent that if Lucia were to find out about the affair, there would be catastrophic consequences.



Ajami is the religiously mixed community of Muslims and Christians in Tel Aviv. These are five stories about the everyday life in Ajami.
Directors: Scandar Copti, Yaron Shani
Writers: Scandar Copti, Yaron Shani
Stars: Fouad Habash, Nisrine Rihan, Elias Saba 


48 Angels

Director: Marion Comer 
Producer: John McDonnall, Robert Medema, Marion Comer 
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 90 min.
Industry Rating: PG-13 
Starring: Shane Brolly, Ciaran Flynn, John Travers, Daragh Kelly


Wer früher stirbt ist länger tot

Marcus H. Rosenmüller's first feature movie deals with a boy thinking that he is responsible for his mother's death and his unusual way to fight his feelings of guilt. 11-year-old Sebastian lives with his father and brother Franz in a Bavarian village. One day, he learns that his mother died on his birthday, which makes him believe he was to blame for her death. Dreaming of purgatory, Sebastian sees only two ways to avoid this divine punishment: becoming an immortal rock star or find a new wife for his father...



Katie (Alexandra Lamy) é apenas uma mulher comum, que trabalha numa fábrica e luta para cuidar de sua pequena filha. Quando conhece Paco (Sergi López), também um homem comum, algo mágico acontece e eles se apaixonam. Do amor dos dois surge outro milagre: um bebê extraordinário chamado Ricky (Arthur Peyret).

Monty Python - A Vida de Brian - (1979)

Sátira irreverente sobre a visão de Hollywood em relação aos temas bíblicos e religiosos. Em 33 D.C. na Judéia, a sociedade sofre com a pobreza e a desordem. Brian Cohen (Graham Chapman) é um candidato a messias que se envolve em uma série de histórias hilárias, tornando-se cada vez mais importante entre todo o grupo.

Dirigido por Terry Jones
Com Graham Chapman, Terry Gilliam, John Cleese mais
Gênero Comédia , Aventura
Nacionalidade Reino Unido

Total de Screens: 246
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Mein Name Ist Eugen

From the literary classic by Klaus Schädelin, “Mein Name ist Eugen” is a coming of age story set in the 1960s, and tells of 12-year-old Eugen and Wrigley's last summer of adventure. When Wrigley's parents announce their intention to pack him off to boarding school, the boys run away, hoping to find Fritzli Bühler, the “King of Rascals” in Zurich. But then Eugen and Wrigley bump into their Scouts group on the train and feel forced to join them to Ticino. From there they escape again and attempt to cycle back to Zurich, but the boys' disappearance is noticed and their parents get on their trail. As the boys continue their precarious journey over their Alps, they begin to doubt whether Fritzli Bühler really lives in Zurich and whether he actually exists at all.

Production Kontraproduktion AG, C-Films AG
Producer Andi Huber, Peter-Christian Fueter
Directed by Michael Steiner
Cast Manuel Häberli, Janic Halioua, Dominic Hänni, Alex Niederhäuser etc.
Cinematography Pascal Walder
Line Producer Meret Nora Burger
Lighting David Satz
Art Direction Gerald Damovsky, Monica Rottmeyer
Casting Ruth Hirschfeld
Original Version SwissGerman, Color, 35mm, 100min.

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C'est pas moi, je le jure!

O ano de 1968 marca uma virada na vida do menino Léon Doré, dez anos. Sua falsa tentativa de suicídio, por enforcamento, fracassa por um fio. Pouco depois, sua mãe neurastênica, que se sente sufocada pelo marido, vai morar na Grécia, deixando seus dois filhos com o pai. Enquanto o irmão mais velho cultiva um rancor surdo, Léon pilha e faz uma bagunça danada na casa dos vizinhos que viajaram de férias, finge ter um problema na vista para justificar as péssimas notas no colégio, arma tramoias, manipula, faz seu pai e todos de bobos. Menos Léa, a jovem vizinha que percebe tudo e que, tendo ela própria contas a acertar com a vida, irá ajudar Léon a roubar o dinheiro para comprar uma passagem de avião para a Grécia.
Antoine L'Écuyer .... Léon Doré
Daniel Brière .... Philippe Doré
Catherine Faucher .... Léa
Suzanne Clément .... Madeline Doré
Gabriel Maillé .... Jérôme Doré
Jean Maheux .... Bispo Charlebois
Catherine Proulx-Lemay .... amiga de Madeline

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Pretty Boy

Director: Carsten Sønder
Writer: Carsten Sønder
Genre: Drama
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish ( with enlish subtitle)
Duration: 86 min
Year: 1993
Stars: Christian Tafdrup, Dicte, Rami Nathan Sverdlin

Author: WaxBellaAmours from The Great Northwest ( IMDB)
The Danish “Pretty Boy”, being made available on DVD for the first time 12 years after it’s original release, tells the story of another disillusioned modern teenage youth, this time a 13-year-old male hustler roaming the nocturnal streets of Copenhagen. Supposedly fleeing a dysfunctional home life and spending his nights hoping beds to find a place to stay, Nick (Christian Tadfurp) lives a transient and grimly solitary lifestyle as he tries to survive amidst the cold and unwelcoming world he’s entered into.
Clearly yearning for a father figure, Nick grows smitten with one of his middle-age suitors, the carefully closeted Ralph (Stig Hoffmeyer), an Astronomist who shares Nick’s fascination with the stars. Ralph may be his possible savior, but when he tremulously kicks him out when his girlfriend returns, Nick soon views the cowardly Ralph with a heartbroken contempt.
With nowhere else to turn, he boards with pawn-shop/antiques store owner Hartvig (Bent Hasselmen) in exchange for help with the business (rather than the usual sexual favors), which Nick supremely fulfills.
However, this environment soon gets him involved with an organized gang of adolescent hoodlums and hustlers that frequent Harvig’s shop. This nasty Oliver Twist-esquire group make their living by seducing idiosyncratic middle age males with a taste for young blood only to rob them later, taking revenge on the sleazy “solicitors” who won’t pay up and selling other stolen items to Harvig. Having brushed with them previously at the sleazy train station where he frequently hangs out, Nick soon moves in with the surrogate brood, led by the ruthless Rene (Danish pop star Benedicte W. Madsen), where their nightly escapades give Nick a taste of the nasty, nihilistic rush he’s previously only skimmed upon.
Things start to get complicated when he falls for Rene, an obvious female guised as a boy who leads a rather normal life “off-duty”, a complicated romance that becomes more problematic when Nick’s old world starts intruding in… And that’s all of this bizarre plot that I really need to give away.
The fundamental problem with “Pretty Boy” is not so much it’s occasional over-the-top grotesqurie, it’s unavoidably creepy subject or an odd stylistic resemblance to “Diva”, but rather it’s complete lack of a grip on a “story” that becomes more complicated and rushed then it needs to be, only feeling like another poison-penned rendering of modern-day Copenhagen in a disjunct and very confused form.
To be sure, “Pretty Boy” certainly jolts you awake at the begging, with one remarkably brutal act of casual violence as we see a bespectacled, late-30-ish waif of a man in a train stop bathroom get a relentless, out-of-nowhere beat down by Rene’s gang of teenage hoodlums in front of the oblivious Nick, and it’s a definite, if somewhat repellent, grabber to start off the fittingly bleak tale.
The rest of “Pretty Boy”, however, is perpetually marred by the filmmakers complete indecisiveness (or, to be more frank, inattention) to his character’s inner qualities and outward plight (not only Nick’s bewildering, shape-shifting sexual preferences), as well as seeming awfully confused where to take an already over-wrought script that’s ultimately just a packed trip lacking a destination.
Obviously, a film that dares to mingle in a world of child prostitution and teenage crime is going into areas that even most of the gutsiest filmmakers would fearfully avoid, and perhaps it’s only natural that director Carsten Sonder feels a little too burdened to be able to propel the story past those basic themes or give any perspective. It certainly garnered some immediate controversy (though more so for some reportedly graphic nude scenes of young star Tadfurp (who admittedly looks much older), edited from the DVD cut), but that doesn’t help mask the film’s lack of a central identity, despite copious stories to tell. What is it, a sordid and occasionally bizarre coming-of-age story, a scathing portrayal of callous youthful violence and hedonism or, especially in the last act, a plot-heavy operatic tragedy? In short, all and none at the same time.
Ultimately, the film lives and dies with the actors, and that’s where it ultimately fails. It’s not so much the performers fault; the movie never gives them room to breathe, rarely letting them rise above a remote, somewhat sour blandness.
Tadfurp makes a decent debut as the title character, an earnest if somewhat uninspiring performer, but the movie never really decides on his Nick: is he just a under-nurtured, well-meaning kid that naively gets swept into a life of perpetual debauchery and petty crime in search of a family, or another aloof burnout with some serious underlying pshycological issues? The movie seems to toss both traits on the table but neither even start to gel; serious parts of his life are left fragmented and hopelessly vague, most notably the mutual obsession with Ralph (whose courtship barely plays throughout the movie except to give the story it’s expectedly melodramatic finale) as well as his supposedly terrible home life (which actually seems to be a rather stable single-parent home, despite his mother’s blithe promiscuity. Clearly there’s tension underneath that the movie barely explores.)
Although most of the other actors are given little to do (and their portrayals are pretty much geared only towards sufficiency and nothing more), the only other supposedly pivotal perf is Madsen as the gender-bending Rene, which the movie foolishly tries to pass off the conspicuously feminine star as a cross-dresser who people would actually believe as a boy. Nor do they ever explore if this “practice” is strictly business or a dominant psychological obsession, as it seems to stress nothing about Nick’s bizarre sexuality. Although Madsen initially seems slickly confident in a role full of crackling, malevolent potential, Sonder eventually loses interest in her, as Rene becomes another bland plot catalyst by the time she strikes up a romance with Nick, haplessly lacking chemistry with him or the rest of this odd and fatally unfocused misfire.

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